Yesterday, I attended the Alexandria Scottish Christmas Walk. It was the second I attended. The first was in 2005 with Donald.
My friend, David Levite of the Colmcille crew invited me to his home in Old Town for an open house before the walk. Donald and I had gone there, before the parade, too. David is a great host and with his friends made the open house a fantastic way to start the day.
After leaving David’s and heading for the MacCallum and Malcolm Clan line up area, I was met by Kathy. She was looking for us and was the first one there. Neil McCallum with his son, Sean would soon find us. Neil spotted Marianne and Doug McCallum in the clan staging area in line with our banners. Soon, we would be joined by another newcomer to the Clan, Mike McCollum with his wife two children and his mother. All decked out in the MacCallum plaids.
As we waited for the parade to begin and catch up with us in its tail’ we definitely were in the rear. I visited with my friends in Gordon House and Donnachaidh Clan. There was a sense of excitement and feelings of camaraderie between the various groups whether they be clans, dog societies, pipers, re-enactors as the moment grew close for us to fall into formation and march out becoming our part of the parade.
Our time came and out we marched. The streets were lined with people young and old, but all excited. With waves and shouts of Merry Christmas from the participants and spectaculars everyone was enjoying themselves. The group behind us was a merry group called the Clan Macathair. With quite a few toasts of wee drams they were fortified to belt out chants along the route.
As we waited for the parade to begin and catch up with us in its tail’ we definitely were in the rear. I visited with my friends in Gordon House and Donnachaidh Clan. There was a sense of excitement and feelings of camaraderie between the various groups whether they be clans, dog societies, pipers, re-enactors as the moment grew close for us to fall into formation and march out becoming our part of the parade.
Our time came and out we marched. The streets were lined with people young and old, but all excited. With waves and shouts of Merry Christmas from the participants and spectaculars everyone was enjoying themselves. The group behind us was a merry group called the Clan Macathair. With quite a few toasts of wee drams they were fortified to belt out chants along the route.
Following them were the MacAlpin Regiment, which would stop and fire a volley of gunshot every other blocked we marched. There were many bands, pipes and marching ones that added greatly to the festivities. It was a grand time. The day would be topped with lunch at the Fish Market restaurant with Gordons and Donnachaidhs.
Donald you were missed, yet your presence was there.
Donald you were missed, yet your presence was there.