Thursday, August 28, 2008

IONA Then June 2003

It was time for us to leave Iona. We were to sail out on the tide at mid-morning. I was up before day break and made my way to the Abbey.

I entered the St. Columba Chapel. It's a small chapel off
the main entrance to the Abbey.
Inside the Chapel was a wooden Celtic Cross, staff and worship bell. A small chair and an opened Bible. At this time, I was discerning a call to ordained ministry. I would seek the Lord's will in my prayer time in the Chapel.
View outside St. Columba's Chapel.
St John's and St. Martin's crosses.

Inside the Abbey. The altar with a model of the curragh.

Close up of the curragh.
Leaving the wharf.

Preparing for the long row to Port St. Ellen.
Donald in a reflective moment. We had completed the missionary journey to Scotland and now returning to Ireland.
Donald's dream had been accomplished.

We stopped at Colonsay
for a break from our rowing.
Allistair was glad to stretch his legs.
We would row late into the night and arrive at Port Ellen on the Isle of Islay.