Monday, September 17, 2007


Last Saturday attended the Virginia Scottish Games and Festival at Sky Mountain State Park. It was the first year at this venue. It was a better drive than to the City of Alexandria and the scenery made you think you were in the Highlands of Scotland. It was a winner for me.

Kept Doug McCallum company at the MacCallum Malcolm Clan tent. Meet up with David Levite another crew member from the '03 Voyage of St. Columba. I remember being at the festival in '05 with Donald. I found him at the fiddler tent where he sponsored an award in honor of his father. Donald did much to remember and support his heritage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My family and I were at those Highland speak correctly, it was so beautiful and we even had the Scots wind to boot. We are members of Clan Guthrie and I thought of Donald as we passed Clan MacCallum's table. We are off to the games again in Richmond on October 27th.

Claire Guthrie